BIG things are happening!

The last few days have been particularly busy and productive at Mount Pleasant Resort!

How, you ask?

Just check this out!


Construction has begun on the pool! We are excited to finally be able to work on this project. The hot tub will be started in the near future as well. Lots of fun is ahead!

But wait… there’s more!

mp cabin 1mp cabin 2mp cabin 3mp cabin 4

Construction on the cabins has begun too! A footing was poured for the first cabin today.


We’re moving right along and are eager to complete this project and open up the cabins to guests! The resort will still open to guests on May 1 this year, with only campsites at this time. We’ll let you know when we begin taking reservations for the cabins!

We are putting 10 cabins in at Mount Pleasant Resort, 10 more at Saginaw Bay Resort, and 10 more at Lake Shore Resort. They’ll all be just like the cabins that are currently across the road from the Dome at Lake Shore:


We are so very excited about these great additions to our resorts! Being able to bring more fun to our guests and more guests to the fun is always a good thing!

Keep your eyes on our Facebook page and website for updates as these projects move along!

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BIG things are happening! - Outdoor Adventures Resorts
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