March 27… Just 19 days from now… That’s Easter this year. It’s so early! And since we celebrate major holidays a little early at Outdoor Adventures (leaving you the actual holiday to spend with your family and friends at home), our Easter celebration is only 11 days away! Yup… March 19 is the big day. If you’re new to Outdoor Adventures, you may not be aware of the fun that’s available to you!
Lake Shore Resort (in Davison) and Saginaw Bay Resort (in Standish) are both open year-round, which means they both have Easter celebrations planned. One of the big events at Lake Shore is the Easter dinner. It’s on Saturday night, March 19, this year. See the menu here. Signing up beforehand will save you a bit of money, so plan ahead!
The biggest draw for kids during our Easter celebration is the egg hunt! Lake Shore splits the hunt into three age groups and Saginaw Bay splits it into two age groups. Get the details for Lake Shore here and for Saginaw Bay here.
Check out some of the fun from the hunts of years past!
There are prizes given out!
There are crafts to do. 🙂
And, of course, there are bunnies to visit with!
If you don’t already have plans for March 19, make reservations to stay at Lake Shore or Saginaw Bay Resort for the weekend! If you can’t make it for the weekend, stop in for the day. We’d love to see you!
To get you in the mood for Easter, check out this little song. You can thank us later… 🙂
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