Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.
Many people spend time with the people they love at Outdoor Adventures.
That’s the case with Paul and his family in their home away from home:
It’s also the case with Diane, her daughter, and her grandsons, who especially like to take part in the activities at the resorts:
Lori and Norm enjoy their time in front of their campfire and near the lake:
Margaret loves to spend time at Outdoor Adventures with the loves of her life, Michael and Alex. We hope she gets to step in front of the camera every now and then to document the fun she has with them at the resorts!
Rose has a particularly touching story to share. Featured in the photo below are Louanne, her grand daughter Emma, and her two great grandchildren, Lydia and Tyler. Louanne and her late husband (Charles), founded Sunshine Valley Campground, which is now Wilderness Resort, in 1971. Rose is grandma to Lydia and Tyler and is excited to build memories with them at the campground that her parents built. What amazing stories and photos their family must have to share!
We’ve even heard a story of a boy and a girl who met at Lake Shore Resort as teenagers and went on to marry one another. They continue to vacation at Outdoor Adventures and hope to bring their kids some day. What a fun story they will have to tell!
Outdoor Adventures truly hopes to help you make a lifetime of memories with your family (many generations!) and friends. We want to be part of the stories told around the dinner table and in graduation slideshows. We want to be part of the entries in your family scrapbooks and journals. We want to be the place the kids ask to go to celebrate their birthdays and for long weekends away from school. We want to give you the chance to spend time with your college-aged children when they’re home visiting. We want to be the place where you spend time with your grandchildren so you can continue the tradition.
Families, memories, fun, and LOVE: these are the things Outdoor Adventures is all about. Come join us with your family, make memories, have fun, and share the LOVE!
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Mark & Radene Kumaus