Camping by fire

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Camping!

It’s that time of the year again! The snow has melted, the rain has returned, and the sunshine we see is finally accompanied by warmth. It’s Michigan camping season! 

Thousands of Michiganders have fired up their campers and are preparing to hit the road to various Outdoor Adventures campsites across the state. Many have already arrived! To commemorate the start of camping season, on our official Outdoor Adventures Facebook page, we asked our members: “If a friend who doesn’t camp asked you why you enjoy camping so much, what would you say?” From our member responses, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 reasons why our members love camping, and why if you haven’t experienced camping with Outdoor Adventures yet, you should this season!

Reason #1: Family Time!

Many of our members said they enjoy camping because it’s a great way for them to spend time and create memories with their families. Load up the bikes, pack up the swimming gear and don’t forget your walking shoes. There are tons for families to do and see at Outdoor Adventures campsites. Putt-Putt golf, waterslides, indoor and outdoor pools, tubing, and more! The opportunities to create memories with your loved ones are endless. 

Reason #2: New Friendships

Outdoor Adventures member Nancy P.K. wrote, Our first time ever camping in an RV was at Outdoor Adventures Lakeshore Resort 5 years ago. We met some people that weekend that became great friends who we camp with every year!”  Likewise, Char S. wrote We have met some of the most wonderful people while camping…many are Lifelong Friends now!! We make plans to camp together, at least once, every season!!

Once new relationships have over time become lifelong friendships, and in a world where so much of our communication happens through screens, the ability to build new and lasting face-to-face relationships through camping is priceless! With nine campsites across the state of Michigan, as an Outdoor Adventure member, you are bound to meet new people and develop new friendships. 

Reason #3: Tranquility

A common response amongst our Outdoor Adventure members as to why they enjoy camping was the overall peace and tranquility camping provides. Laura W.G. commented, It is peaceful getting back to nature. No hustle and bustle of life. The slow pace and campfires with friends old and new,” and so many other members shared Laura’s sentiment. 

Camping, for many, provides an opportunity to escape from the daily stressors of life. Camping allows our members moments of solace and relaxation with friends, family, and nature, which leads to reason number four of why our members enjoy camping so much. 

Reason #4: The Great Outdoors

Fresh air, the warm sun, campfires, barbeques, and more! Reasons to love the outdoors are endless! Combine those reasons with the comfort and amenities provided by Outdoor Adventures Campsites and the great outdoors becomes even greater! April C. wrote, “The smell of being outdoors, especially with a campfire. The tranquility of peace and cooking outside is just Heaven in my book. Outdoor Adventures is my go-to place.”

Last, But not least, Reason #5: It’s Healthy!

The majority of the responses to our post mentioned how camping is a great way to relax and how that contributes to our members’ overall health and well-being. Many of our members spoke about how relaxing near the campfire with family, old friends and new contributes to their mental, physical, and social wellbeing. Families have grown closer, strangers have become friends, and relationships have strengthened. Our members return back to their daily life refreshed and eager for their next camping getaway. Member, Kathy L. wrote, We love everything about camping. But it is actually a very healthy lifestyle for us Sr. Citizens.”

There you have it! Those are the top 5 reasons why our members love camping! Camping, for our members, is about creating lasting memories with family and friends, meeting new people, eating great food, and unplugging from the worries of the world, all while relaxing by the warm aroma of a wood-burning fire, or at any of the other amenities offered at our Outdoor Adventures Campsites. 

If you’ve never experienced camping, try it this season. Your next memory awaits at Outdoor Adventures! 

#CampOAI #MichiganCamping


1 Comment
  1. Peter R. Owen May 13, 2022 at 2:35 pm - Reply

    This is a wonderful idea and an opportunity to reconnect with family and Mother Nature. My family love’s going camping and we enjoy the beautiful Pure Michigan atmosphere. Fresh air and cool breezes await my lovely wife of 60yrs and I this summer.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Camping! - Outdoor Adventures Resorts
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